Friday, March 6, 2009

Tagged for the first time

1. List this rules on your blog
2. Share 7 fact about you on your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog
5. Link the person who tagged you
6. Leave comment for each blogger you have tagged..

7 Facts about me
  1. Short-sighted
  2. Height not too tall, not too short either.. well who cares
  3. Pervert?? (thx to a certain someone.. I'm innocent I tell ya!!)
  4. Loves anime (well, not all of em)
  5. The "ketua" for Zoology Course 2006/2007 which I never really agreed to be... "Saya dipaksa... urgh.. Why me?"
  6. Hate smoke but not the people who smoke (Praying so that they'll quit someday)
  7. "Skema" I guess.. (I don't really know if that's a good thing or bad)

6 unspectacular quirks of mine
  1. Getting attached to my lab... I just love it there.. air-cond, internet and last but not least the sound of water streaming (Fatin's aquarium).. heh
  2. I tend to be careless and forgetful these days (I'm getting old)
  3. I prefer to eat alone.. well most of the time.. much faster.. that's I'll eat with someone only if they invite me.. (Won't I get lonely? nope. not at all..)
  4. I like my privacy, peace and quiet... DO NOT DISTURB!
  5. In my point of view, there's a limit in being friends... I'll help what I can.. I don't expect anything in return.. so don't be too attached to me if I helped you before.. it drives me nuts.. really..
  6. I get so scared presenting in front of a crowd... I'm such a coward

7 people I'd like to tag:
  1. Fariduddin (
  2. Rijal (
  3. Fird
  4. Shaofie (
  5. Prof. OO
  6. Prof Sahidan Senafi
  7. Prof Zainal

This person tagged me .. she's the one you want.. yea she did it.. someone call the cops .. hehehe.. Nene AKA Ultimate Animal Lover ( by the way, thx for tagging me.. my first time.. you should be proud..heh

To the one's I've tagged,
If you don't have anything better to do please do this.. just to kill time..

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